2025 Horizon Chase Turbo Switch懶人包,推薦清單整理


Horizon Chase Turbo

2018年11月28日 — Horizon Chase Turbo is a racing game inspired by the great hits of the 80's and 90's. Race your way through the opponents and master the ...

Horizon Chase Turbo

Fast paced and works great at switch handheld and docked mode. A perfect game to play at switch. A lot of stuff, big and challenge world tour mode with a few ...

Horizon Chase Turbo的價格推薦- 2024年2月

[現貨]Switch追逐地平線復古賽車中文版Horizon Chase Turbo(類似SEGA OutRun2遊戲) · $1,980. 價格持平. Yahoo拍賣 Y3106798237(393). 台北市. 追逐地平線繁體中文 ...

【電玩販賣機】全新未拆NS 追逐地平線復古賽車

《Horizon Chase Turbo》是一款賽車競速遊戲,是知名遊戲《追逐地平線》世界之旅的續作,也是Switch上系列首款。靈感源自80和90年代的流行賽車遊戲:Out Run、Top Gear ( ...

NS 追逐地平線復古賽車-中文版

《Horizon Chase Turbo》是一款賽車競速遊戲,是知名遊戲《追逐地平線》世界之旅的續作,也是Switch上系列首款。 靈感源自80和90年代的流行賽車遊戲:Out Run、Top Gear (SNES)、Rush 等等。 它重現了經典街機遊戲,讓玩家可以隨心所欲地暢玩飆車。

Horizon Chase Turbo (Nintendo Switch)

Horizon chase Turbo is a racing game inspired by the Great hits of the 80's and 90's. Race your way through the opponents and master the circuits as you ...

Horizon Chase Turbo - Night Edition

Relive classic arcade gameplay as you master each racing circuit and blast your way past opponents at the speed of fun! Horizon Chase Turbo is ready to take you ...